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作者:admin    访问量:5513    发布时间:2019-09-24
颗粒是热门产品。这是一个问题 - 不是在经济利益方面,而是在腐蚀潜力方面。当颗粒从颗粒压力机中通过时,它们的温度可达数百华氏度。这对于将它们从压力机输送到颗粒冷却器进料槽的输送机来说是有问题的。由于颗粒的温度 - 以及它们散发的热,潮湿,酸性蒸气,输送机往往会迅速腐蚀。这导致增加的维护成本并缩短输送机的寿命。

颗粒制造商面临着用于移动新鲜颗粒的输送机的其他问题。制造商必须轻轻地处理他们的颗粒; 他们不想打破他们,并最终与最终产品混在一起很多罚款。出于这个原因,他们远离螺旋钻,这会破坏他们正在移动的任何东西,并选择气动或皮带输送机。

两种类型的输送机除腐蚀外还带有一系列问题。皮带输送机占用了大量空间 - 您不能以超过15或16度的角度运行皮带输送机,因为颗粒会沿着滑槽滚动。因此,长而低角度的输送机占用宝贵的地面空间并可能妨碍工作流程。那些额外的输送机脚需要花钱。

虽然气动输送机可以处理灰尘和地面空间问题 - 这也是他们使用预压和后压输送材料的主要原因 - 但它们并不是最佳的:它们需要大量的能量才能运行。比如这样的输送机使用60马力的电机运行。在输送机的使用寿命期间,公司将花费数万美元来运行它 - 比带式输送机多出数千美元。气动输送机也不能轻轻处理颗粒,导致额外的细粉需要再加工。
Pelletizer Pneumatic Conveyor
Although pneumatic conveyors can handle dust and ground space problems - which is the main reason they use pre-and post-pressure materials - they are not optimal: they require a lot of energy to operate. Such conveyors, for example, operate with 60 horsepower motors. During the lifetime of the conveyor, the company will spend tens of thousands of dollars to run it - thousands more than the belt conveyor. Pneumatic conveyor also can not handle particles lightly, resulting in additional fine powder need to be reprocessed.
This is because belt conveyors cannot transport materials at steep angles. Manufacturers, among other reasons, will not use them to transport sawdust to pelletizers. Typical particle manufacturers will be placed at higher altitudes than other machines in factories. Of course, belt conveyors take up too much space to lift sawdust, such as 30 feet inside buildings. Belt conveyors also leak, so sawdust will fall between the belt parts and may disperse in the air. There is no need for belt conveyor, because sawdust can not be handled lightly. Therefore, manufacturers usually choose to use pneumatic conveyors to transport sawdust.

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